Tag Archives: mental health professional

4 Things You Should Never Do As A Therapist

black female therapist in office

Do you consider yourself to be a good therapist? Whether you think so or not, it’s always a great idea to reflect on yourself so you can continuously improve. No matter your level of experience, we can all learn something new. If you’re wondering if you’re making any mistakes in your practice, this blog can […]

6 Ways For Therapists To Avoid Burnout

Being a therapist is a rewarding profession that allows us to help others who suffer from various mental health issues. However, seeing clients every day who present a myriad of issues can be draining. Additionally, having to help our clients overcome complex conditions can be a heavy weight to bear, which can cause burnout. Burnout […]

The Benefits of Using a Therapist Reflection Journal

therapist writing in journal

As therapists, our work revolves around helping others, but it’s important not to forget to care for ourselves. A therapist reflection journal is a powerful tool that can help us grow personally and professionally. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of using a journal made for therapists and how it can enhance your […]